Funding in a participant’s NDIS plan can be managed in three different ways. The participant can choose if the plan is agency managed using the NDIA, Self Managed where the participant (or a nominee) manages their NDIS plan funds or Plan Managed where the participant chooses to use a Plan Manager provider who will assist the participant with managing their NDIS plan funds.

Plan Management is when a participant chooses to use a plan management provider who will assist a participant with managing their NDIS plan funds. Plan Management providers can purchase supports on behalf of participants from either registered or unregistered providers. To become a registered Plan Manager you are required to register with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (external). Carers and Disability Link are registered to deliver NDIS Plan Management services to participants and have a Plan Management team working in the best interest of the participant.

The Plan Manager receives funds from the NDIA and disburses the funds on behalf of the participant to providers of other services received by the participant. The Plan Manager will also manage and monitor the participant’s budget and provide regular statements to show the financial status of their plan including prompt notification of over or under utilisation. The Plan Manager offers increased choice and control to a participant over the implementation of their plan and can also offer advice on how best to utilise their NDIS plan funding which can assist in building a participant’s financial capacity and knowledge.

If you would like to know more about Carers and Disability Links Plan Management services and the team you can contact us on 8562 4000 or

For more information on Plan Management visit: